The BBB provides consumers with a resource to lean more about companies including SellMyTimeshareNow, LLC. The review system works as a database for businesses across the U.S. and Canada. You can search for businesses by name, website, phone number, or email address. On the Sell My Timeshare Now BBB page you'll find contact information, reviews, and links back to our website.

The Better Business Bureau

The Better Business Bureau provides a platform for consumers to voice their concerns with a business or charity organization. Besides the BBB complaint forum, the site also provides a resource for consumers to learn more about an organization's background.

The Better Business Bureau – How it Works

The Better Business Bureau is a resource for consumers to research businesses, charities, and donors all in one location. Many consumers use the BBB as a research tool before working with a company. However, the BBB states that these reviews are subjective and suggests conducting additional research before making a firm decision.

The most utilized feature on the BBB site is the ability to file a review or concern with the BBB for a business or charity. While consumers are welcome to do this, it is just as effective to submit any concerns directly to Sell My Timeshare Now so that we can help you to resolve your complaints. By working with us directly, we can handle concerns more quickly and efficiently, without the holdup of a middleman. This is especially the case when it comes to your advertising subscription with us.

Have a complaint about SellMyTimeshareNow, LLC, email [email protected] directly. Or Call Us 1-877-815-4227.

Sell My Timeshare Now & the BBB

We find that negative reviews are sometimes the result of a misunderstanding, and we are happy to resolve complaints when they are brought to us directly or through the BBB. However, sometimes concerns about SellMyTimeshareNow are misrepresented. As the most visible brand in the timeshare resale industry, consumers often mistake us for other timeshare companies. We have also read complaints resulting from unaffiliated companies or individuals pretending to be affiliated with SellMyTimeshareNow, LLC (see our page about timeshare scams for more information).

It is important to recognize SellMyTimeshareNow, LLC as a separate organization from these companies. The only brands that SellMyTimeshareNow, LLC shares affiliation with are those owned by Vacation Innovations, our parent company.

SellMyTimeshareNow, LLC BBB Rating

The Sell My Timeshare Now BBB rating is based on the BBB's 16 grading factors. However, there is much more than goes into the overall rating of the organization. affirms that ratings are based on many factors and can be subjective. While some factors are obvious (consumer reviews, complaints, etc.), others are more subtle. Factors such as the industry the company is in are taken into account. The BBB notes that a company's grade may be lowered simply based on the type of service it provides.

BBB Rating Factors Include:

  • Business' complaint history with BBB
  • Time in business
  • Failure to honor commitments to BBB
  • Advertising issues known to BBB
  • Type of business
  • Background information in BBB files
  • Licensing and government actions known to BBB

BBB Accreditation Standards

BBB accreditation is based on eight principles known as the BBB Standards for Trust. These standards are also known as the BBB Code of Business Practices. When a company seeks accreditation, the BBB will decide if they meet these standards. Please note that until a business applies and submits payment for accredited status, they will remain unaccredited.

In addition, any organization that accepts untraceable forms of payment should also raise a red flag for a timeshare scam. These types of payments include wire transfers, money packs, and money orders. If you work with a timeshare resale company, make sure they accept credit card payments.

Does a business have to be BBB-accredited?

No, a company does not need to be accredited by the BBB. In fact, there are many trustworthy, ethical organizations on the BBB that are not accredited. Most of these companies are not accredited because they have not applied or paid for BBB accreditation. These businesses, like SellMyTimeshareNow, LLC, may meet the BBB's ethical standards without becoming a BBB-accredited business.

Although Sell My Timeshare Now is not a BBB-accredited business, we remain a trusted resource for timeshare resales. In addition, we strive to resolve every complaint or issue brought to us by the Better Business Bureau.

Has SellMyTimeshareNow, LLC ever been cited for a scam alert or government action?

SellMyTimeshareNow, like almost all businesses, does have complaints submitted through the BBB - all of which are either resolved or in the process of resolution. However, Sell My Timeshare Now does not have any licensing or government actions against it. In fact, we are one of the few resale companies without an action filed by the Attorney General.

Any business that does have an outstanding government action should be approached with caution. If an organization has an action filed against them, you'll see a red alert under the business' primary contact information. The BBB will describe the action taken against the company and if the action has been resolved or appealed.

More Resources on

After seeing the Sell My Timeshare Now BBB reviews, be sure to check out our client testimonials. We also offer information and tips about the timeshare sales process and a live feed of offers. By offering all of our company information up front, you can learn everything about us before doing business with us! Contact our Customer Care team at 1-877-815-4227.

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