The BBB provides consumers with a resource to lean more about companies including SellMyTimeshareNow, LLC. The review system works as a database for businesses across the U.S. and Canada. You can search for businesses by name, website, phone number, or email address. On the Sell My Timeshare Now BBB page you'll find contact information, reviews, and links back to our website.
SellMyTimeshareNow, LLC BBB Rating
The Sell My Timeshare Now BBB rating is based on the BBB's 16 grading factors. However, there is much more than goes into the overall rating of the organization. affirms that ratings are based on many factors and can be subjective. While some factors are obvious (consumer reviews, complaints, etc.), others are more subtle. Factors such as the industry the company is in are taken into account. The BBB notes that a company's grade may be lowered simply based on the type of service it provides.