Timeshare Reseller Blazes Trail for Vacation Ownership Industry
The vacation ownership industry recently acknowledged the timeshare resale market by inviting top resale executives to join resort developers in a Washington, D.C. think tank.
Dover, NH (November 18, 2006) -- SellMyTimeshareNow founders Jason Tremblay and Mark Eldridge joined the American Resort Development Association (ARDA) in its first-ever timeshare resale think tank last week in Washington, D.C. Tremblay and Eldridge were part of a high-level group of timeshare resale company executives invited to brainstorm with development and resort executives in "Developing a Roadmap to Creating a Healthier Secondary Market for Timeshare." Previously, there had been more competition than communication between developers and resellers. This was the first think tank ARDA has held in three years, indicating the vacation ownership industry's acknowledgment that timeshare resales have come of age.
ARDA President Howard Nusbaum stated that there is now a "$30 billion overhang in potential resale inventory.... We welcome the resellers into ARDA recognizing that resales are a very big part of the timeshare industry.... More than 9 million households in the US are interested in buying vacation time during the next two years." The reason that timeshare resellers have become an important part of the vacation ownership industry is that they provide the most powerful solution for timeshare owners who want to sell. Eldridge said, "SellMyTimeshareNow proudly delivers more buyers through our online marketing efforts than any other company, and this year we're on track to deliver over a quarter billion dollars in offers."
The result of the think tank was a drafted vision statement: "To create an open and ethical marketplace where buyers and sellers can easily find each other, offering educated consumers realistic expectations and transparency in all processes resulting in cooperation between parties with standardized practices." This is quite similar to the tagline of SellMyTimeshareNow (SMTN): "The Global Leader in Connecting Timeshare Buyers, Sellers & Renters." SMTN was founded on the principals of ethics and integrity, offering timeshare owners an easy, efficient and financially sound way to handle the sale and rental of their timeshares.
In the past, some online companies, just as resort developers, took advantage of consumers with disreputable deals. But, as Tremblay and Eldridge point out, "what legitimized the timeshare industry over the past 20 to 30 years was the emergence of brand names, like Hilton and Marriott, and the same thing is happening in resales. SellMyTimeshareNow is one of the fastest-growing companies in the industry, and we're the most visible online. The information presented in this think tank validated that there is a huge opportunity to provide sellers with a legitimate, safe, secure solution to obtain the buyers they're searching for."
Why is this resale business growing so quickly? According to Craig Nash, Interval International's Chairman, "74 percent of leisure travelers use the Internet to plan their vacations." (Vacation Industry Review, October - December 2006). From airline tickets to car rentals to books, reservations and purchases are easily and quickly made online. Three years ago, when Tremblay and Eldridge started SMTN, there were few viable timeshare resale options. They provided one by focusing on driving highly-qualified buyers to SellMyTimeshareNow. In doing so, they increased the number of offers per week from 10 in 2003 to about 1,000 in 2006. SellMyTimeshareNow has seen exponential growth, moving from grossing $87,000 in 2003 to an expected $5,000,000 in 2006 and it is poised to skyrocket over the next 18 months.