The Macdonald Villacana Club resides in Estepona within Malaga, a province which has undergone significant renovation over the last few years in order to revitalize the culture and attract tourists. Museums, like the St. Petersburg State Russian Museum, which includes some of Wassily Kandinsky's whimsical artwork, and the Centre Pompidou Malaga, a unique, cube-topped building with works including those of the inspiring Frida Kahlo, house an exciting array of exhibits. Malaga is an excellent place for artists and those who appreciate art to vacation—which is fitting because it was the birthplace of Pablo Picasso!
In addition to the beauty artists create, there is a great deal of natural beauty in Malaga. Estepona has a lovely coastline, and Macdonald Villacana Resort guests need only walk a short distance to enjoy it. The Orchid House is another natural wonder, in that, while it's man made, it showcases the beauty of plants. The Orchid House (Orguidario) Estepona & Botanical Gardens is a massive garden, partially outside and partially inside, with a huge variety of beautiful orchids, palms, and other botanical treasures, as well as spectacular waterfalls.
Are you ready to traverse an exotic destination with a focus on art, beauty, and culture? If so, fill out the form on this page or give us a call at 1-877-815-4227.